Self-realization of students in the physical culture and sports environment of HEI
self-realization, physical education, physical culture and sports environment, personality-oriented approach, physical cultureAbstract
The article reveals the features of the organization of physical education of students in the physical culture and sports environment of a higher education institution. The possibilities of self-realization of students in physical culture and sports are revealed through the construction of an individual trajectory of their development (educational, recreational, developmental and athletic). The structural possibilities of the physical culture and sports environment are revealed in the article. They are characterized by the relationship between the currently existing infrastructural capacities and sports equipment, staff potential and corporate culture of HEIs, types and forms of organization of physical culture and sports activities, methodological basis of the educational process and pedagogical supervision, which provides the environment with a variety of opportunities for personal development and matching the personal needs of students. The possibilities of the physical culture and sports environment in the conditions of implementation of the individual trajectory for the development of students in their chosen types of physical culture and sports activities for physical self-education, self-development and self-realization are revealed. The article reveals ways to increase the effectiveness of physical education, presents research approaches (systemic, environmental and personality-oriented) to the creation of a physical culture and sports environment of a higher education institution, in which conditions for a balanced development of students and their self-realization in physical culture and sports are created.
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