«About the national vocation of Russia»: response A.I. Ilyina on the book of V. Shubart


  • O.V. Pchelina Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation


russian philosophy, culture and civilization, Russia and Europe, I. Ilyin and V. Shubart, identity and historical purpose, national vocation


The theme of Russia's historical mission, religious vocation and great spiritual future, its ability to «solve all the issues that Europe is arguing about», its mission «not to rise above everyone, but to serve everyone» has always occupied the minds of Russian poets, writers, philosophers. Before proceeding to the analysis of I. Ilyin's views, for the sake of objectivity, we recall that a number of Russian thinkers have been engaged in this topic. At the same time, while some argued about the special way of Russia's development in the Tyutchev direction «Russia cannot be understood with the mind», others «have long since learned the difference between the type of culture and the type of civilization and linked this topic with the relationship between Russia and Europe» and the topic of Europeanization. The article discusses the theme of national identity and mission of Russia in the context of the reflections of the Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin through the prism of his analysis of the book by the German philosopher V. Schubart.

Author Biography

O.V. Pchelina, Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation

Doctor of Philos. Sc., Associate Professor


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Philosophical sciences