Reorganization and liquidation of the national administrative-territorial units of the BSSR in 1934–1939


  • M.K. Alkhovik Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


national policy, national minorities, national issue, national councils, BSSR


Objective: determination of the causes, stages and features of the process of the reorganization and liquidation of the BSSR national administrative-territorial units in the mid-late 1930s.

Materials and methods. Wide range of materials from the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus were used in the preparation of this article. The methodological basis is represented by a set of logical, general scientific and special historical methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, comparison, historical, logical, historical-genetic, concrete historical methods, etc.).

Results. The article reveals that in October 1934 – the first half of 1937, the liquidation of the national councils did not have a comprehensive scale. Soviet power did not deny the possibility of the national councils’ existence in the places of compact residence of a politically loyal population with a clear national and cultural-linguistic identity. The author came to the conclusion that since the second half of 1937, the process of liquidation of the national administrative-territorial units as hotbeds of the «anti-state work» was consistent and systematic. In July – September 1937 the last Polish councils, in July 1938 – April 1939 – all other national councils were liquidated (reorganized). The territory of the Dzerzhinsk Polish District was divided between neighboring districts.

Conclusion. By the mid-1930s, party-Soviet leadership came to the conclusion that the creation of the national districts and councils contributes to the concentration of the «anti-Soviet forces». The disappearance of the national characteristics was declared a progressive phenomenon and a natural result of the socialist construction. The process of the liquidation of the national administrative-territorial units in the BSSR took place under the full control of the CC of the VKP(b).

Author Biography

M.K. Alkhovik, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Hist. Sc., Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Political Science


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Historical sciences