Organizational and pedagogical foundations for the development of the information and educational environment of the regional university 3.0: theoretical and methodological generalizations of the study
digital transformation of education, information and educational environment, the institutional model of the university 3.0, regional university, technologization of educationAbstract
Objective – carrying out theoretical and methodological generalization of the research, devoted to substantiation of organizational and pedagogical bases of development of information and educational environment of the regional research-entrepreneurial university taking into account the specifics of its functioning.
Materials and methods. A set of methods adequate to the solution of the set tasks (comparative-comparative method, analysis, application of techniques, questionnaires, method of mathematical statistics: Fisher's angular transformation φ* criterion, etc.) was applied in the study.
Results. The essential understanding of the phenomenon of information and educational environment of higher education institution and the principles of its functioning and development is presented in the complex unity of technical-technological and didactic aspects. The conceptual scientific, practice-oriented provisions determining the development of information and educational environment of a regional university of institutional model 3.0. in the conditions of digitalization of education are substantiated.
Conclusion. The author determined the main results of the research aimed at the development of information and educational environment of the regional university 3.0, carried out on the basis of the educational institution "Polessky State University" in 2019-2023. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of effective functioning and improvement of the specific environment of interaction of subjects of multidimensional educational activity in the system of application of environmental resource potential are substantiated.
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