Experience of scientific understanding of the significance of the results of the 1923 all-union city census in the works of domestic and foreign researchers


  • A.A. Priborovich Faculty of History of Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


All-Union city census of 1923, BSSR, urban population, historiography


Based on the analysis of the printed works of researchers, issues of assessing the demographic materials of the All-Union Urban Census of 1923 for studying the history of Belarus are identified. The object of interest for the author was the publications of Belarusian and foreign researchers who used urban census materials as the main source. The article analyzes the problems of different assessments by scientists of the 1923 demographic census data in determining the characteristics of the population of the Soviet Union and the BSSR. Attention is paid to the problems of collecting and processing data, which, according to researchers, could affect the quality of some of the results of the 1923 census. It is concluded that the noted shortcomings in general do not reduce the importance of the materials of the census in question for historical science.

Author Biography

A.A. Priborovich, Faculty of History of Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Hist. Sc., Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in the Department of Source Studies


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Historical sciences