Moral and aesthetic development of personality in the sunday school of the russian orthodox church: socio-cultural aspect


  • A.S. Tynovets Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


sunday school, social institution, Russian Orthodox Church, moral and aesthetic education, a person


The article reveals the issues of the formation and development of the social institution of the Sunday school of the Russian Orthodox Church. The definition of the meaning of the phenomenon "Sunday school" in various sciences and the functions it performs are given. The author considers the mechanism of moral and aesthetic education of a person in the church in the context of social and cultural activities. The main directions for the implementation of the development of moral and aesthetic qualities of a person in the educational activities of modern Sunday schools are outlined.

Author Biography

A.S. Tynovets, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Artistic Team Leader


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Pedagogical sciences