Deviant educational behavior of students of higher education institution as subject of structural and substantive scientific analysis
information and communication space, education system, deviant educational behavior, technological education, educational activity, structural and meaningful analysisAbstract
Objektive: identification of problematic aspects of the study of the phenomenon of deviant educational behavior of students of higher education institutions, taking into account the developed theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of examples of academic fraud that have become widespread in the student community in the form of write-offs, prompts, falsifications, guest writing and plagiarism. Achieving the goal of the study is facilitated by solving the problem of its systemic construction through modeling the process of structural-meaningful analysis when studying the subject of scientific search.
Materials and methods. When writing the article, the practical provisions of the Concept for the Development of the Education System of the Republic of Belarus until 2030, as well as scientific publications on research issues, were presented as a source base. The study uses methods of comparative analysis and synthesis, generalization and theoretical modeling.
Results. As a result of the study, the main problematic aspects of studying the phenomenon of deviant educational behavior of students of higher education institutions in the Republic of Belarus were identified, taking into account the theoretical and methodological approaches developed in psychological and pedagogical science. The author proposed a functional structural-content model for studying the presented subject of scientific analysis.
Conclusion. The purpose of the study has been achieved. The nodal problems of studying the phenomenological essence of deviant educational behavior of students of higher education institutions, implemented in the form of writing off, prompts, compilation, plagiarism and guest writing in a technologically technologically accessible information and communication space, have been identified. The model proposed within the framework of psychological and pedagogical science for studying the declared subject of research makes it possible to clearly determine the problematic field of scientific search, the stage and level orientation of scientific reflection, the selected methods and content of the proposed stages. This approach allows in its systematic and stage-by-stage organized reality to systematically and deeply carry out scientific research taking into account the general scientific methodological requirements and the logic of knowledge of the subject under study.
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