The international situation and the main directions of the foreign policy of the Republic of Suriname (2020-2024)
Republic of Suriname, Latin America and the Caribbean, Guinea region, international situation, foreign policy, diplomacy, President Ch. Santokhi, Progressive Reformist Party of SurinameAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the international situation and the main directions of the foreign policy of the Republic of Suriname during the presidency of Ch. Santokhi. In the course of the study, the main factors that determine the specifics of the international situation of the state are highlighted, as well as the features of Suriname's young diplomatic service by historical standards are noted. It is concluded that with the coming to power of Ch. Santokhi saw the intensification of the state's foreign policy activities in various areas, where the key point was the restoration of friendly relations with the states of Western Europe and the United States. The author of the work defines and characterizes three main directions of the country's foreign policy: relations with the Caribbean states, relations with the states of Western Europe and the United States, as well as relations with the states of Asia and Africa. According to the researcher, the interaction of the Republic of Suriname with the Netherlands, the United States and the People's Republic of China are the most promising areas of the country's foreign policy in the medium term.
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