Historical overview of the problem: the content of education and upbringing during the transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages


  • V.A. Piletsky Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk


historiography, the Middle Ages, the content of education, antiquity, education, church, Christianity


Based on the works of domestic and foreign researchers, a brief historiographical review of the problem: the content of education and upbringing from Antiquity to the Middle Ages was conducted. The palette of views of different historians (of recent centuries) on the issue of changing the content of the educational process during the transition of Western European society from antiquity to the Middle Ages is shown. The task was to find out: what was written?; how were the above changes perceived?; on which aspects (regarding the content of training) did the researchers focus their attention?. What remains unexplored precisely from the point of view of the content (content) of education and upbringing? Not the last task was to show (if possible) the views of historians of different countries on the same problem. Find out the coincidence of their opinions. Distinction or objection to the formulated conclusion. I was interested, of course, in the base of sources, the validity of views, and other various aspects.

Author Biography

V.A. Piletsky, Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

Doctor of Hist. Sc., Chief Researcher at the Center for the History of Science and Archival Affairs


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Historical sciences