Problem of formation of historical memory of the Great Patriotic war in students of IX, XI classes when teaching history as an object of structural and content analysis
formation of historical memory, school historical education, the Great Patriotic War, museum pedagogy, structural and content analysisAbstract
Objektive: identification of a complex of problems that reveals the processes and mechanisms of forming a historical memory of the Great Patriotic War among students of grades IX, XI through modeling of systemic pedagogical analysis, taking into account the experience accumulated in the Republic of Belarus and in the post-Soviet space of studying the concept of historical memory and implementing state policy in the field of school historical education. Achieving the goal of the study supposes solving the problem of building a systematic and step-by-step process of developing and using a structural-content analysis model while studying the object of scientific research. Materials and methods. The source base of the study was compiled by regulatory documents determining the direction of school historical education system development in the Republic of Belarus, its content, as well as published scientific and scientific-methodological works on the presented research topic. The solution of the tasks updated in the study is based on the use of system-environment, activity, competence and personality-oriented approaches using methods of comparative analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization, as well as theoretical modeling. Results. In the course of the study, the problem field and the direction of the study of the formation of the phenomenon of historical memory of the Great Patriotic War in students of IX, XI classes in the teaching of history were determined. Based on the theoretical and methodological approaches developed in modern pedagogical science, taking into account the procedural implementation of state policy in the field of school historical education in the Republic of Belarus, a functional structural and content model for studying the object of scientific analysis is proposed. The novelty of the research issue under consideration, its problematization and prospects for scientific research in the development of school historical education, taking into account the implementation of continuity at the level of general secondary and higher education, are clearly defined. Conclusion. The goal of the study has been achieved. Key problems related to the study of the formation of historical memory of the Great Patriotic War among students of the IX, XI classes in teaching history within the framework of understanding the concept of historical memory, taking into account the orientation of state historical policy in the field of school historical education in the Republic of Belarus, have been identified. The structural-content model of the study of the object of scientific research developed and proposed for use makes it possible to clearly define problematic field of scientific search, as well as the stages and levels of scientific reflection, their content and methods used. This approach ensures systematic and deep research in accordance with the requirements developed in the methodology in relation to the declared object of structural-content analysis.
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