The space in the french philosophical and allegorical novel: traditions and innovations
space, allegorical novel, philosophical-allegorical novel, «Romance of the Rose», tradition, innovation, reverdiAbstract
This article examines the philosophical-allegorical novel as a genre type of the modern novel. Features of space in the allegorical «Romance of the Rose» by Guillaume de Lauris and Jean de Men are revealed. This allows us to trace the tradition, determine the continuity and innovation of the French philosophicalallegorical novel of the 20th century. It is claimed that the basis of the philosophical-allegorical novel is an artistic-philosophical thought framed with the help of an allegory and formed according to the figurative-conceptual principles of reflecting the thinking of the relevant era. It is determined that the allegorical type of space has a double degree of convention – it acts as an artistic space (virtual or fictional) and as an allegorical space.
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