Участие Бразилии во Второй мировой войне и ее взаимодействие с США


  • Л.Я. Климуть (L.Yu. Klimout) Могилевский государственный университет имени А.А. Кулешова


Участие Бразилии во Второй мировой войне привело ко многим значительным изменениям. Отношения с США сыграли свою роль в решении Бразилии отправить войска на фронт, однако еще целый ряд внешних и внутренних факторов определял позицию Бразилии в войне и направление ее взаимодействия с США. Ключевые слова: Бразильский экспедиционный корпус, Вторая мировая война, военное сотрудничество, международные соглашения, Ж. Варгас. The participation of Brazil in World War II led to many significant changes. Relations with the US played a role in making the decision by Brazil to send its troops to the front but a whole range of internal and external factors determined Brazil’s position in the war and the direction of its interaction with the US. Keywords: Brazilian Expeditionary Force, World War II, military cooperation, international agreements, J. Vargas.


McCann, F.D. The Brazilian Army and the Problem of Mission, 1939 –1964 / F.D. McCann // Journal of Latin American Studies. – 1980. – Vol. 12, iss. 01. – P. 107 – 126.

Crandall, B.H. Hemispheric Giants: The Misunderstood History of U.S.–Brazilian Relations / B.H. Crandall. – Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011. – 230 p.

Hirst, M. Understanding Brazil–United States Relations. Contemporary History, Current Complexities and Prospects for the 21st century / M. Hirst. – Brasilia : FUNAG, 2013. – 281 p.

Prutsch, U. Americanization of Brazil or a Pragmatic Wartime Alliance? The Politics of Nelson Rockefeller’s Office of Inter–American Affair in Brazil During World War II / U.Prutsch // Revista Internacional de Historia Politica e Cultura Juridica. – 2010. – Vol. 2, no. 4. – P. 181 – 216.

Brasil Às Armas [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://veja.abril.com.br/especiais_online/segunda_guerra/edicaoespecial/capa.shtml. – Date of access : 13.04.2015.

Silva, H. 1942, guerra no continente / H.Silva, M.C. Ribas Carneiro. – Civilização Brasileira, 1972. – 448 p.

Mccann, F.D. Brazil and World War II: The Forgotten Ally. What did you do in the war, Zé Carioca? [Electronic resource]/ University of New Hampshire. – Mode of access : http://www.tau.ac.il/eial/VI_2/mccann.htm. – Date of access : 18.06.2015.

McCann F.D. Journal of Latin American Studies, 1980, Vol. 12, iss. 01, рр. 107 – 126.

Crandall B.H. Hemispheric Giants: The Misunderstood History of U.S.–Brazilian Relations, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011, 230 p.

Hirst M. Understanding Brazil–United States Relations. Contemporary History, Current Complexities and Prospects for the 21st century,Brasilia : FUNAG, 2013, 281 p.

Prutsch U. Americanization of Brazil or a Pragmatic Wartime Alliance? The Politics of Nelson Rockefeller’s Office of Inter–American Affair in Brazil During World War II, Revista Internacional de Historia Politica e Cultura Juridica, 2010, Vol. 2, no. 4, рр. 181 – 216.

Brasil Às Armas [Electronic resource], http://veja.abril.com.br/especiais_online/segunda_guerra/edicaoespecial/capa.shtml. – (access: 13.04.2015).

Silva H., M. C. Ribas Carneiro 1942, guerra no continente,Civilização Brasileira, 1972, 448 p.

Mccann F. D. Brazil and World War II: The Forgotten Ally. What did you do in the war, Zé Carioca? University of New Hampshire. http://www.tau.ac.il/eial/VI_2/mccann.htm. (access: 18.06.2015).



Historical sciences