The Results of the Organization of Physical Education of Students in the Integrated Educational Physical Culture and Sports Environment
Ключевые слова:
physical education, integration, physical culture and sports environment, physical culture and sports activity, physical culture, physical readinessАннотация
The article presents the results of research on the development and implementation of the concept of increasing the effectiveness of physical education of students into the educational process of a higher education institution, based on the organization of an integrated educational physical culture and sports environment. The main feature of the author's concept is the organization of an integrated educational physical culture and sports environment, which is created in accordance with the objectives of the educational process and physical culture and sports needs of students. The details of the organization of the educational process within the P.E. discipline in the conditions of the implementation of physical education of students in the integrated educational physical culture and sports environment associated with a gradual reduction of auditorium classes with a teacher and an increase in the proportion of controlled independent work are revealed. Controlled independent work is presented as the main link of the concept of increasing the effectiveness of physical education of students, based on the organization of an integrated educational physical culture and sports environment. The features of the introduction of controlled independent work of students in the context of the implementation of physical education in an integrated educational physical culture and sports environment are revealed. The article presents an analysis of the effectiveness of physical education of students in the conditions of an integrated educational physical culture and sports environment, which is expressed in the change in the indicators of physical readiness of the experimental groups EG/w and EG/m and control groups CG/w and CG/m. The results of the study of the dynamics of the level of physical readiness of the experimental groups EG/w and EG/m and the control groups CG/w and CG/m are presented.
Библиографические ссылки
Gavrilik M.V. Integrirovannaya fizkul`turno-sportivnaya sreda uchrezhdeniya vy`sshego obrazovaniya [Integrated Physical and Sports Environment of Higher Education]. Vesni`k Paleskaga dzyarzhau`naga uni`versi`te`ta. Sery`ya gramadski`kh i` gumani`tarny`kh navuk [Bulletin of Palesky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities], 2020, no. 1, pp.55-61. (In Russian)
Gavrilik M.V. Soczial`no-pedagogicheskie usloviya udovletvorennosti studentov fizicheskim vospitaniem [Socio-pedagogical conditions of students’ satisfaction with physical education]. Vesni`k Magi`lyou`skaga dzyarzhau`naga u`ni`versi`te`ta i`mya A. A. Kulyashova. Sery`ya C. Psi`kholaga-pedagagi`chny`ya navuki`: pedagogi`ka, psi`khalogi`ya, metody`ka [Vestnik of the A. A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University], 2019, no. 1(53), pp.40-45. (In Russian)
Gavrilik M.V. Organizaczionny`e osnovy` integrirovannoj fizkul`turno-sportivnoj sredy` i e`ffektivnost` fizicheskogo vospitaniya studentov [Organizational foundations of an integrated physical education and sports environment and the effectiveness of students' physical education]. Vesni`k Paleskaga dzyarzhau`naga uni`versi`te`ta. Sery`ya gramadski`kh i` gumani`tarny`kh navuk [Bulletin of Palesky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities], 2019, no. 2, pp.48-54. (In Russian)
Gavrilik M.V. E`ffektivnost` fizicheskogo vospitaniya studentov na osnove sozdaniya fizkul`turno-sportivnoj sredy [The effectiveness of physical education of students based on the creation of a sports environment]. Zdorov`e dlya vsekh [Health for all]. Pinsk, 2020, no.1, pp. 37- 44. (In Russian)
Список литературы
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