financial disintermediation, securitization, object-oriented financing, financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, development of information technologies in the financial system, crowd economy, blockchainAbstract
In recent decades a new trend in the development of financial intermediation has emerged, which received the name of financial disintermediation in economics. The article discusses the various forms of its manifestation. The key feature of the first stage of disintermediati on is a change in the structure of the financial system in the direction of greater focus on capital markets to the detriment of bank orientation. This stage was stipulated by the development of asset securitization, which began in the United States from the end of the 60s. It opened alternative banking options for financing and intensified competition between banks and non-bank financial intermediaries. A new type of financing has appeared - object-oriented financing. Its distinctive feature is the transfer of the rights on the allocated assets to the creditor. The article shows that in most developing countries, including Belarus, stock market development indicators are significantly lower than the world average. Therefore, the first stage of disintermedia tion largely affected developed markets. The next stage in the development of disintegration processes is associated with the revolutionary development of information technologies and has already affected the financial systems of all countries of the world. The article shows the reduction in the number of banks in both developed and developing countries due to the development of technological innovations in the financial system. The centralization of banks, on the one hand, reduces the costs of banking, on the other hand, creates more internal rules and centralized processes in banks. As a result, servicing local business, often small and medium-sized, requiring individual services, may deteriorate. The answer to the gaps in financing small and medium-sized businesses was the emergence and development of an alternative financial system based on a crowd economy, distributed registry technologies and artificial intelligence. The future of banks will depend on what banking options they can offer in rapidly changing conditions.
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