
  • О.В. СИДСКАЯ (O.V. SIDSKAY) Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


banking sector, banking sector competition, concentration of the banking sector, concentration indicators, state of the banking sector


Objectives. The competitiveness of the bank and the banking system is influenced by many factors. There are two classes of models that allow us to analyze the competitive environment of the banking market: structural and non-structural models. The structural models are based on the traditional theory of sectoral organization. Non-structural models make it possible to analyze the competition which is based on the pricing of market participants. The purpose of this article is to quantify competition in the banking services market of the Republic of Belarus based on the classical structural approach.

Main part. There are two main types of competition: perfect and imperfect. Depending on the degree of imperfection, competition can be: monopolistic (differentiated), oligopolistic, purely monopolistic. The degree of monopolization of the banking market is measured by the indicators of the market concentration. The article provides a quantitative assessment of the concentration in the banking services market of the Republic of Belarus based on the classical structural analysis. Based on the financial statements of the banks of the Republic of Belarus, the following concentration indicators are calculated: concentration index, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, Lind index, entropy index, dispersion index, Ginny index. While analyzing the intensity of competition in the banking services market, it was revealed that the banking sector of the Republic of Belarus during the analyzed period was a fairly high concentration market with an uneven distribution of shares of participants in the banking services market, which shows the calculated coefficients.

Conclusion. The high concentration in the banking sector of the Republic of Belarus creates the conditions for the fact that individual banks are vested with such power, which is enough to extract monopoly high profits. The modern banking market is gradually moving from a differentiated oligopoly model to a homogeneous oligopoly model. Efforts should be made at different levels - the state, the National Bank, banks - to increase the level of competition in the banking sector and to increase the degree of differentiation of banking products and services.


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How to Cite

СИДСКАЯ (O.V. SIDSKAY) О. (2019). FEATURES OF THE BANKING SECTOR CONCENTRATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Economy and Banks, (1), 40-50. Retrieved from https://ojs.polessu.by/EB/article/view/1236



Finance, money circulation and credit