
  • Т.В. БЕЗУГЛАЯ (T.V. BEZUGLA), соискатель кафедры туризма Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi National University, Ukraine


model, staff, predictors, forecasting, assessment, staff sustainability


The staff sustainability of the enterprise as a certain dynamic state of the personnel management system, which characterize its ability to maintain performance under the influence of internal and external transformations based on ensuring a balance of quantitative and qualitative parameters of staff sustainability is considered. In the article the necessity of diagnostic the violation of the staff sustainability of the enterprise, which involves the process of recognizing and identifying the problem using the accepted terminology, the establishing the diagnosis of an abnormal state of the phenomenon under investigation is shown. The diagnostic process may include identification, assessment, and prediction. The indicators of staff sustainability, which include indicators of staff turnover, staff movement, staff stability, staff mobility, and staff structure are systematized. It was stated that the main task of diagnosing the staff sustainability of the enterprise is to identify factors that cause a violation of staff sustainability, which makes it possible to substantiate the expediency of using certain social technologies for working with personnel, the purpose of which is to prevent the incidents of a violation of staff sustainability. It was stated that the main reason of the violation of the staff sustainability of the enterprise is the turnover of personnel. The expert data on the normative values of staff turnover for enterprises of different industries and different categories of employees are given. The author proposes to use the analysis of staff sustainability indicators as predictive analytics for building predictive models, the purpose of which is to assess and predict the staff sustainability and the advance work of employees. It has been revealed that excessive staff turnover, dismissal of qualified co-workers cause financial damage to the enterprise, which determines the need for forecasting layoffs. A list of predictors of layoffs that indicate the employee’s intention to leave the enterprise has been determined. The author proposed the formation of a predictive model of staff sustainability "PMPS", which is based on the analysis of staff sustainability indicators and predictions of dismissal.


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How to Cite

БЕЗУГЛАЯ (T.V. BEZUGLA) Т. (2019). DIAGNOSTICS AND FORECASTING OF THE STAFF SUSTAINABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Banks, (1), 51-60. Retrieved from https://ojs.polessu.by/EB/article/view/1237



Issues of regional economy