The Method of Quantitative Assessment of the Level and Dynamics of Development of Payment Systems


  • О.М. Коробейникова (О.М. Korobeynikova), канд. экон. наук, доцент Volgograd State Technical University, Russian Federation


money circulation, digital economy, payment systems, payment infrastructure, innovation, efficiency


Objective: development and approbation of methods of quantitative assessment of the level and dynamics of development of payment systems.

Materials and methods: the research and approbation used public data of the Bank of Russia on the functioning of the national payment system; applied a systematic approach and general methodological scientific principles of unity of theory and practice, objectivity, complexity.

Results. The paper proposes a methodology that includes four groups of indicators that characterize: 1) infrastructure; 2) resources; 3) processes; 4) results. The differences between the proposed methodology and the existing ones are: the applicability of the methodology for the assessment of individual subjects of the national payment system and their users; the use of public statistical data in the calculations, which allows its application to external users. To assess the infrastructure, it is proposed to analyze the number, dynamics and structure of payment systems and their subjects. Indicators characteristics of the resource base include the number, dynamics and structure of payment instruments, customer base, "input" monetary aggregates. To characterize the processes, an indicator of the capacity of the payment system is proposed, reflecting the dependence of the progress (regression) of the system on the dynamics of the number and amounts of transactions by type. The results are evaluated at macro - (inflation dynamics, GDP, money turnover rate, "output" monetary aggregates) and micro-levels (absolute and relative indicators of turnover of cash and other current assets and accounts payable of economic entities, the need for financing and the propensity to invest).

Conclusion. For the formal process of diagnosis is allocated to nine types of development of the payment system. Approbation of the method on the example of the payment system of the Bank of Russia and private payment systems of the Russian Federation revealed a progressive (with occasional deterioration) character of development, which is characterized by the acceleration of digital innovations and their transfer to the user environment. The practical significance of the methodology is that it allows a comprehensive and objective assessment of the nature and level of development of payment systems at all levels, as well as their effectiveness in the digital economy.


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How to Cite

Коробейникова (О.М. Korobeynikova) О. (2019). The Method of Quantitative Assessment of the Level and Dynamics of Development of Payment Systems. Economy and Banks, (2), 27-37. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit