Innovation and Industrial Clusters in Belarus: Conditions for the Creation and Models of Formalized Presentation


  • А.А. Василевска (А.А. Vasileuska), ассистент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Л.Е. Совик (L.E. Sovik), доктор экон. наук, доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


key differences between an industrial and innovative industrial cluster, a new type of innovative industrial cluster, a logical structural description of the cluster model, business processes of innovative interactions in the cluster


The article identifies the key features of an innovative industrial cluster (IIC) that distinguish it from an industrial one. This is the interaction of the branches of the "triple helix" - universities, business and government bodies - in the creation and promotion of innovations, the innovative orientation of the general goal of creating the IIC and its local goals, as well as the presence of innovative interactions. A special type of IIC is distinguished: a cluster of a new field of activity, the participants of which are incubated already in the process of developing the core of the structure. An example of a cluster of this type is IIC in the field of biotechnology and the green economy "Polesie". The proposed toolkit of the logical and structural description (general and local goals, relationships between participants, procedural components (business processes) for a formalized representation of the cluster model opens up the possibility of using "big data" technologies in the creation and functioning of the IIC.


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How to Cite

Василевска (А.А. Vasileuska) А., & Совик (L.E. Sovik) Л. (2019). Innovation and Industrial Clusters in Belarus: Conditions for the Creation and Models of Formalized Presentation. Economy and Banks, (2), 62-72. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy