Environmental Entrepreneurship in the System of Sustainable Development of Belarus


  • А.Г. Штепа (A.G. Shtepa), ассистент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • А.В. Радцевич (A.V. Ratsevich) Head of Inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus in Pinsk


institutional environment of environmental entrepreneurship, innovative clusters, elements of the institutional environment, environmental entrepreneurship technologies, business models, scaling up environmental entrepreneurship


The article is devoted to the formation of the institutional environment of environmental entrepreneurship in the context of sustainable development goals of the Republic of Belarus. Views on the content of the concept of "environmental entrepreneurship" are presented, elements of the institutional environment are shown, and an assessment of their condition is given. For the first time, the place and role of innovative industrial clusters in the institutional environment of environmental entrepreneurship is substantiated. For the Polesye cluster, priority tasks (scientific, technological, engineering, economic and organizational and methodological) have been identified for creating environmental entrepreneurship in the field of industrial livestock.


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How to Cite

Штепа (A.G. Shtepa) А., & Радцевич (A.V. Ratsevich) А. (2019). Environmental Entrepreneurship in the System of Sustainable Development of Belarus. Economy and Banks, (2), 91-99. Retrieved from https://ojs.polessu.by/EB/article/view/1317



Issues of regional economy