Trends in the development of business and financial risk insurance in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus


  • Д.В. Моисеева (D.V. Moiseeva), канд. социол. наук Volgograd State Technical University, Russian Federation
  • А.А. Тулупова (А.А. Tulupova), главный бухгалтер LLC (Limited Liability Company) IT Atlant, Volgograd, Russian Federation


insurance, financial risks, business risks, risk insurance, corporate finance


The purpose of this work is a comprehensive study of the state of business and financial risk insurance in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The study uses official statistical information on the amount of insurance premiums and payments under insurance contracts; uses a static method for analyzing the dynamics of the series and comparing indicators of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in the field of insurance of business and financial risks. The review of scientific literature allowed us to show the relevance of the chosen topic, its scientific novelty and practical significance. To analyze the development trends, the author used an analysis method based on a sequential analysis of three indicators (the volume of insurance premiums (contributions), the volume of payments under insurance contracts, the payout ratio) for voluntary insurance and insurance of business and financial risks in the Russian Federation, then the same indicators were analyzed for property insurance and voluntary insurance of business risk in the Republic of Belarus. The learning experience of the insurance of this risk in the two countries allowed us to highlight the features of the insurance system: 1) voluntary insurance of business risks in the Republic of Belarus is developing dynamically and steadily, it is less affected by the crisis; 2) after 2015, and in Russia and in Belarus there has been a dramatic growth in the volume of concluded contracts; 3) the effectiveness of the system of insurance of entrepreneurial risk on average during the studied periods are higher in Russia than in Belarus. Currently, we can say that entrepreneurs in both countries continue to actively develop such a risk management tool as insurance. The analysis made it possible to fully describe the nature of the development of business and financial risk insurance in the selected countries.


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How to Cite

Моисеева (D.V. Moiseeva) Д., & Тулупова (А.А. Tulupova) А. (2020). Trends in the development of business and financial risk insurance in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Economy and Banks, (1), 13-25. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit