The need to development of Islamic banking as an alternative form of financing Tajikistan's economy


  • Ш.Р. Наимов (Sh.R. Naimov), аспирант Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


Islamic banking, monetization coefficient of the economy, financial depth indicators, MSME financial gap, money supply, monetary base, money multiplier, interest rate


Objectives. The article is devoted to an actual problem for Tajikistan of a lack of financial resources for economic development. Using indicators of the monetization of the economy, financial depth, financial gap calculated by the World Bank, the author proves that the country's economy is in dire need of monetary resources. It also substantiates the idea that the National Bank is forced to pursue a restrictive monetary policy due to high inflation rates in the country.

Results. The problem of lack of financing, according to the author, can be solved by searching for alternative banking methods of financing, such as venture financing, crowdinvesting and other areas of non-state financing of business, including Islamic banking. Islamic banks are based on the unique principle of sharing profits and risks with their customers. Both banks and customers are jointly and severally liable for business results. Islamic banking is focused on the development of the real sector and through its operations connects money with real production. Thus, Islamic banking contributes to the inflation-free development of production. Islamic banking has a number of advantages over classical banking. The most important benefits are that Islamic banking is based on real assets; it provides distribution of profit and loss in commercial activities; provides partnership in the company; promotes financial justice; provides non-inflationary financing of the business, linking money with real assets.

Conclusion. Thus, Islamic banking leads to product growth and provides financing for this growth. Consequently, Islamic finance will contribute to the growth of the financial depth of the Tajik economy and increase its monetization on a non-inflationary basis.


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How to Cite

Наимов (Sh.R. Naimov) Ш. (2020). The need to development of Islamic banking as an alternative form of financing Tajikistan’s economy. Economy and Banks, (1), 26-36. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit