The problems of transport and logistics integration of the EAEU member countries in conjunction with «One belt one way» under conditions of multilateral cooperation


  • Ин Цзюй (Ying Ju), аспирант Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Transport and logistics integration, EAEU, China, customs, Trans-Asian Railway, international economic cooperation


Since China launched the <One Belt, One Way> Initiative, the Eurasian Economic Union, as a key partner in this initiative, has always received active offers from China; The EAEU itself also attached great importance to this initiative, hoping with its help to achieve its own interests. In 2018, the Eurasian Economic Commission, in its decisions, clearly indicated its intention to hold in-depth negotiations on issues of further coordination with the One Belt, One Way strategy. In the process of its implementation over the past few years, the parties could not but face various problems. This article presents an analysis of the current obstacles in the field of transport, attempts are made to propose ways to address them, and also presents directions for the development of cooperation in the field of transport integration within and outside the union.


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How to Cite

Цзюй (Ying Ju) И. (2020). The problems of transport and logistics integration of the EAEU member countries in conjunction with «One belt one way» under conditions of multilateral cooperation. Economy and Banks, (1), 53-63. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy