Analysis of the tourism and recreation potential of the administrative areas of the Brest Region in the context of sustainable tourism development


  • А.О. Васильченко (А.О. Vasylchenko), канд. экон. наук, доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • С.А. Демьянов (S.A. Demyanov), старший преподаватель Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


historical and cultural heritage, tourist and recreational potential, tourism infrastructure, sustainable tourism development, regional economy, economic and geographical zoning


The aim of research is to assess the tourist and recreational potential of Brest region in the context of the center-peripheral model of tourism space organization.

Materials and methods: the research used public data from the world economic forum, UNWTO, the European Commission and statistics from the National statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, applied a systematic approach, cartographic, statistical and comparative methods.

Results. Research presents the analysis of methodological approaches to assessing the sustainable development of tourism in the region and a number of indicators that characterize the sustainability of tourism development at the global and regional levels. Global criteria for sustainable tourism, a system of indicators for sustainable tourism at the regional level, and a system of indicators developed within the framework of the state program for tourism development are considered. The article proposes a method for evaluating the tourist and recreational potential based on the center-peripheral model of the organization of tourist space. This method includes 7 indicators that characterize the historical, cultural, natural and recreational potential of districts, as well as their tourist infrastructure. Developed a typology of administrative districts in terms of development of tourist-recreational function, the following types of districts: central areas with intensive tourism development, the semi-periphery areas with a middle-income tourist-recreational function and peripheral areas with a middle-income and low developed tourist and recreational functions. To the Central areas with a high level of tourist and recreational potential were relegated Brest, Kamenets, Zhabinka, Kobrin and Pinsk areas; the semi-periphery to – Baranovichi, Ivanovo and Pruzhany. To stagnant areas were classified as Berezovsky, Gantsevichi and Malorita.

Conclusions. The result of the research: the highest level of development of historical and cultural potential and tourist infrastructure are areas of the first and second topological level, which are located near to the main tourist center – Brest, a number of peripheral areas should be attributed to stagnating due to low indicators of development of tourist and recreational potential.


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How to Cite

Васильченко (А.О. Vasylchenko) А., & Демьянов (S.A. Demyanov) С. (2020). Analysis of the tourism and recreation potential of the administrative areas of the Brest Region in the context of sustainable tourism development. Economy and Banks, (1), 64-75. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy