Cluster transformation of FEZ: methods of identification of «anchor» industries and residents
innovative development in the FEZ, cluster transformation of free economic zones, methods for identifying anchor industries, determining the cluster core, the coefficients of localization, Gini and leadership in the analysis of the Grodnoinvest FEZAbstract
The problems of regional free economic zones that hinder the development of innovation are disclosed; a strategy for overcoming them was proposed, combining the advantages of free economic zones and cluster capabilities; developed methodological solutions for the transformation of free economic zones into clusters; It is proposed to accept the identification of the “anchor” branches of the cluster and their potential centers taking into account the coefficients of localization, Gini and leadership. Testing of methodological solutions was carried out on the empirical basis of the Grodno region and the Grodnoinvest FEZ. The obtained theoretical and methodological results can be used to make decisions on growth the innovative orientation of regional FEZ.
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