Risks of the Lessor: Notion, Classification and their Minimisation Methods


  • K Piskun Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • S. Matalytskaya Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


leasing, leasing organizations, lessor, risk, liquidity, evaluation


The article investigates leasing transactions risks for a lessor, which arise at various stages of leasing transactions. Highlighted the specific risks that will be inherent in leasing as at market level as its main participants - leasing organizations. The author's grouping of risks is illustrated, and their specific features are highlighted. The risks of order book, credit and property nature are determined. In particular, the liquidity risk is revealed, which is not considered in detail in the specialized literature and regulatory legal acts in terms of the definition, characteristics and assessment methods. A comparative analysis of the notions "liquidity", "liquidity of firms", "liquidity of assets", "liquid goods" was carried out, which made it possible to formulate the author's definition of the term "liquidity of the leasing subject". The method for assessing the liquidity of the leased asset has been developed, which allows to make an assessment, and is based on objective, undeniable characteristics of the leased asset. Five blocks have been offered for evaluation: organization, market, technical characteristics of the leased asset, personnel requirements and leased asset technical requirements.

Author Biographies

K Piskun, Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Post-Graduate Student of the Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Trade Department

S. Matalytskaya, Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Trade Department


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How to Cite

Пискун, Е., & Маталыцкая, С. (2020). Risks of the Lessor: Notion, Classification and their Minimisation Methods. Economy and Banks, (2), 17-25. Retrieved from https://ojs.polessu.by/EB/article/view/1440



Finance, money circulation and credit