Conceptual Foundations of the Material Resources Management System in Agriculture


  • S. Makrak The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


management system, material resources, agriculture, efficiency, evaluation, organizational and economic tools, digital economy


The aim of the research is to develop theoretical, methodological and practical foundations for the creation of an effective system for material resources management in agriculture. Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis for research was the scientists work on the management of material resources in agriculture; the information base was the normative and legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, data from the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus and accounting reports of agricultural organizations. The following methods were used in the research process: monographic, abstract-logical, normative, logistic, synthesis and system analysis, expert assessments, etc. Results. The research results contain fundamental innovations, which are: firstly, in the author's position regarding the formation of the efficiency of the material resources management system, the essence of which is contained in the generation of conditions for a favorable competitive environment for agribusiness and strengthening the competitive advantages of individual agricultural producers; secondly, in the rationale for the implementation of the goals and objectives of an effective system for  material resources management in agroindustrial production, taking into account the achievement of national security; thirdly, in proposing a methodology for substantiating an integrated system for analyzing and assessing the generated levels of material costs in agriculture and its industries; fourthly, in the development of scientific and methodological solutions for the development of a digital way in agriculture through the creation of information databases. Conclusion. The development of scientific provisions for  effective management  system  of material resources in agriculture made it possible to draw the following conclusions: (1) the scientific foundations for the development of an effective  management system for  material resources for agriculture are proposed, including the justified goals and objectives of the system for the management of material resources in agriculture within the national economy and the tools for their implementation; 2) the provisions on the development of the digital economy in agroindustrial production in relation to the management of material resources are specified; 3) the recommended levels of indicators for estimating material costs in agriculture are calculated.

Author Biography

S. Makrak, The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor; Doctoral Student, Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

Макрак, С. (2020). Conceptual Foundations of the Material Resources Management System in Agriculture. Economy and Banks, (2), 45-56. Retrieved from



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