Toolkit for the Efficient use of Resource Potential at Meat Processing Enterprises


  • Zh.G. Shumak Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


resource potential of the organization, resource conservation, innovation-oriented resource potential management, principles of resource potential management


The purpose of the research: to develop organizational and economic tools for effective use of resource potential in organizations. Materials and methods: comparative analysis of theoretical, methodological and scientific-practical achievements of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of resource efficiency problems solving. Research results: the considered mechanism of effective use of resource potential allows creating a theoretical and methodological basis for determining strategic directions of resource conservation with a clear focus on improving the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of meat processing enterprises in the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, it is possible to combine the principles of resource potential management in conditions of dynamism, innovative susceptibility, and technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises.

Author Biography

Zh.G. Shumak, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Assistant Professor of Economics and Business Department


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How to Cite

Шумак, Ж. (2020). Toolkit for the Efficient use of Resource Potential at Meat Processing Enterprises. Economy and Banks, (2), 57-65. Retrieved from



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