Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Identification of Regional Clusters in the Context of Economic and Geographical Researc


  • S.A. Demyanov Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


regional cluster, identification, cluster initiative, spatial clustering, factor analysis


This article is devoted to the identification of regional clusters based on the synthesis of economic and economic-geographical approaches. The problem of identifying regional clusters, taking into account the spatial factor, has been poorly studied in modern economic research; an unsolved problem is the problem of the variability of the units of the area of cluster structures. Revealing the methodological limitations of various approaches to the identification of regional clusters made it possible to build an algorithm for applying these methods with minimizing these limitations. The use of the MAUP methodology in identifying industrial concentration and agglomeration of industry makes it possible to determine a unique clustering threshold, taking into account the level of aggregation of territories. The article proposes a classification of methods for identifying regional clusters, taking into account the spatial factor MAUP. The proposed economic-geographical method for identifying regional clusters includes factor analysis of industry in the sectoral context. The interpretation of the results of the analysis of national, regional and sectoral factors in changes in the values of variables is considered. The author proposes a typology of industries based on the ratio of RS and IM indicators and an algorithm for constructing a map of cluster components. The text describes the method developed by the author for assessing spatial clustering and determining a unique clustering threshold for different levels of aggregation of territories, which allows us to determine the geographical boundaries of clusters.

Author Biography

S.A. Demyanov, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Marketing and International Management


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How to Cite

Демьянов, С. (2020). Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Identification of Regional Clusters in the Context of Economic and Geographical Researc. Economy and Banks, (2), 66-76. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy