Assessment of the Efficiency of Commercialization of the Results of Intellectual Activities in Pharmaceutical Organizations


  • М. Shalamitskaya Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


efficiency, results of intellectual activity, matrix model, scorecard, pharmaceutical industry


The article proposes a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the commercialization of the results of intellectual activity in pharmaceutical industry organizations, based on the calculation of a system of interrelated indicators that make it possible to assess the economic benefit from the commercialization of the results of intellectual activity by identifying the influence of the cost of the results of intellectual activity on the indicators of the financial and economic activity of the organization.

Author Biography

М. Shalamitskaya, Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Master of Economic Sciences; Assistant of the Department of Economics of Industrial Enterprises


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How to Cite

Шоломицкая, М. (2020). Assessment of the Efficiency of Commercialization of the Results of Intellectual Activities in Pharmaceutical Organizations. Economy and Banks, (2), 77-86. Retrieved from



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