Trends of tax regulation of individual savings in banking organizations in Russia


  • N.V. Pokrovskaia Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • O.A. Teliak Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


banking system, saving, the term for placing a bank deposit (deposit), income


The aim of the study is to characterize the directions of development of taxation of personal income on bank deposits in Russia, to substantiate proposals for introducing into the Russian tax system the successful experience of regulating the terms of retail deposits in banks in Belarus. The theoretical basis for the research was the works of domestic and foreign authors on the assessment of the relationship between taxation and private savings. The information base for the study includes regulations on the collection of personal income tax in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, statistical and factual information from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service of Russia, reference information on conditions of taxation of individuals. The article summarizes the foreign experience of taxation of personal income from savings. The transition to taxation of interest income on bank deposits in the Republic of Belarus is characterized; analyzed the reflection of tax regulation on increasing the terms of deposits (deposits), which created a reliable base for Belarusian banks. The main stages in the development of taxation of interest income on bank deposits of individuals in the Russian Federation since the beginning of the 1990s are described. It is shown that the transition to taxation of interest income on bank deposits from 2021 is unlikely to have a significant fiscal significance, but it can lead to destabilization of the banking system. It is proposed for the Russian Federation to use the experience of tax regulation of the duration of placing funds on bank deposits (deposits) of the Republic of Belarus.

Author Biographies

N.V. Pokrovskaia, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor

O.A. Teliak, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Покровская, Н., & Теляк, О. (2021). Trends of tax regulation of individual savings in banking organizations in Russia. Economy and Banks, (1), 23-30. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit