Activation of the innovation potential of regional free economic zones (FEZ)


  • D.Ch. Shuleiko Grodnoinvest Free Economic Zone, Grodno, Republic of Belarus


Ishikawa diagrams, force field theory, innovative development in the FEZ, SEZ goals pyramid, cluster transformation of FEZ, activating of the innovation potential


The analysis of the world experience of the special economic zones (SEZ) activities is carried out, the features of the functioning of SEZ in countries with developed, developing and transitional economies are revealed, a pyramid of SEZ development goals was built. The problems are investigated and the ways of development of free economic zones (FEZ) in Belarus are substantiated using the methodology developed by the author to activate the potential of innovativeness, based on the cause-and-effect Ishikawa diagram and the theory of the field of forces. The result of the approbation of the methodology on the materials of the Grodnoinvest FEZ was a strategic map of the transition to innovative development.

Author Biography

D.Ch. Shuleiko, Grodnoinvest Free Economic Zone, Grodno, Republic of Belarus

Head of Foreign Activity Department


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How to Cite

Шулейко, Д. (2021). Activation of the innovation potential of regional free economic zones (FEZ). Economy and Banks, (1), 44-55. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy