Ecological and economic aspects of the development of integration processes in the agroindustrial complex


  • Y.F. Rybalko Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


integration processes, interaction, factors, balance


The aim of research is to development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of environmental and economic interaction between enterprises and agro-industrial complex strategies through the prism of an equilibrium and non-equilibrium position.

Materials and methods: The theoretical basis for the research was the works of scientists on the issues of cooperative-integration relations in the agro-industrial complex. The information base for the research was the normative and legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, a systematic approach, abstract-logical, comparative analysis, monographic and computational-constructive methods were applied.

Results.  In the article, the theoretical and methodological foundations for the achieving ecological and economic balance in the formation of a scientifically grounded toolkit for the interaction of enterprises and industries of the agro-industrial complex.

Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of theoretical and scientific-methodological approaches to solving the ecological and economic problems of the region's development. This study identifies and substantiates the main factors of environmental and economic interaction between enterprises and industries of the agro-industrial complex.

Author Biography

Y.F. Rybalko, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Associate Professor of Marketing and International Management Department


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How to Cite

Рыбалко, Ю. (2021). Ecological and economic aspects of the development of integration processes in the agroindustrial complex. Economy and Banks, (1), 77-83. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy