Formation of the infrastructure of trust in the financial market


  • O.A. Zolotareva Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


trust in the financial market, financial depth, crowdinvesting, implicit investment


The goal is to determine indicators of confidence in the financial market, to identify tools for increasing the level of confidence in the economy.

Materials and methods. The information base of the research is the data of the World Values Survey, statistics of the World Bank, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Methods of comparative analysis, abstract-logical method were used in research.

Results. In the article, based on the study of various approaches to measuring the level of trust in financial markets, a comparative analysis of the level of trust in the financial markets of different countries is carried out. The creation of a crowdinvesting macroinstitution is proposed, which will increase the level of social trust in the financial market of the Republic of Belarus.

Conclusion. The creation of a crowd-investing macroinstitution in the Republic of Belarus will provide an opportunity for inflation-free economic growth, a financial market will be created, the ability of people to spontaneously socialize will increase, which will lead to the development of not only small and medium-sized businesses, but also large-scale industries and new technologies.

Author Biography

O.A. Zolotareva, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Banking and Financial Markets


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How to Cite

Золотарева, О. (2021). Formation of the infrastructure of trust in the financial market. Economy and Banks, (2), 3-12. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit