Management of material resources in agriculture based on an indicative approach


  • S.V. Macrak Institute of Systems Researches in Agricultural Complex of NAS of Belarus, Minsk


material resources, efficiency, agriculture, management, planning, support


The aim of the research is to develop the scientific and practical foundations of material resource management in agriculture based on an indicative approach.

Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis for the research was the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of indicative management, support for agricultural producers, regulatory and legal documents of the Republic of Belarus. The information base was the data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the accounting statements of agricultural organizations, the objects of research were agricultural organizations, types of products; the subject was material resources, material costs, material intensity index. The following methods were used in the research process: monographic, abstract-logical, normative, synthesis and system analysis, expert assessments, etc.

Results. The research results characterize the expediency of using the material intensity indicator as an indicative indicator in the implementation of a number of material resource management tools: assessing the effectiveness of the use of material costs in the production of agricultural products and forecasting in the short term the required amount of money for the purchase of material resources; identifying types of products whose actual effectiveness is predetermined by sales or marketing tools; justification of financial support for certain types of products, the efficiency and competitiveness of which are significantly affected by the disparity in prices for industrial production resources for rural areas and agricultural products; determination of the optimal proportions of material resources and investments in fixed assets. The disadvantages of the current mechanism for compensating agricultural producers for losses due to the progressive increase in prices and tariffs for material resources of industrial production for rural areas are: accounting for average price indices of only domestic material resources by type of activity; analysis of data by type of activity without reference to the production and sale of certain types of resources for agriculture; lack of relationship between the levels of use of material resources and the number of products produced; fixed dynamic series. A mechanism for determining product-specific support for agricultural products that are most sensitive to price factors in the context of time periods is proposed, based on the levels of the material intensity index; an algorithm for calculating support levels is applied to actual data.

Conclusion. The development of tools for managing material resources in agriculture based on an indicative approach allowed us to draw the following conclusions: the expediency of using the material intensity index as an indicative indicator is substantiated, the level of which will subsequently allow to promptly adjust the list of target indicators (the level of material and monetary costs, support, etc.); the shortcomings of the current mechanism for compensating agricultural producers for losses due to the progressive increase in prices and tariffs for material resources of industrial production for the village are formulated; the mechanism of determining the product-specific support for the types of agricultural products that are most sensitive to price factors in the context of time periods, based on the levels of the material intensity index, is presented; the amounts of compensation payments for the cultivation of agricultural crops by type in the context of the time lag are calculated.

Author Biography

S.V. Macrak, Institute of Systems Researches in Agricultural Complex of NAS of Belarus, Minsk

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Макрак, С. (2021). Management of material resources in agriculture based on an indicative approach. Economy and Banks, (2), 49-59. Retrieved from



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