Organization of energy saving of AIC with the application of decentralized energy sources
energy saving, decentralized energy sources, barriers, renewable energy sourcesAbstract
The goal is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of decentralized energy sources in the organization of energy conservation in the agro-industrial complex.
Materials and methods: The theoretical basis for the research was the works of domestic and foreign authors on the use of decentralized energy sources in the agro-industrial complex. The information base for the research was the normative and legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, data from the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, a systematic approach, abstract-logical methods and the method of comparative analysis were applied.
Results. The article has developed the theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of decentralized energy sources in the organization of energy conservation in the agro-industrial complex. in particular, the existing interpretations of the process of introducing their own energy sources in organizations have been systematized in the works of various authors, the features of the functioning of decentralized energy sources in countries with developed market economies have been established. This study identifies the main advantages and disadvantages of generation systems based on renewable energy sources in the domestic agro-industrial complex.
Conclusions. The article identifies barriers hindering the introduction of decentralized energy sources in the agricultural sector, the consideration of which in practice will allow a more reasonable approach to the choice of the type of fuel and energy resources in the event of a decision to introduce a decentralized energy source for energy supply and energy conservation in organizations of the agricultural sector.
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