Integration of economic entities: chronology of the development of theoretical views and its essence in the context of a systematic approach


  • N. Yermalinskaya Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Republic of Belarus
  • G. Rudchenko Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Republic of Belarus


integration of business entities, integration theories, system approach, types of economic systems


The purpose of the study is to develop the scientific and theoretical foundations of the integration of economic entities on the basis of constructing a chronology of the development of theoretical views and determining its essence from the standpoint of a systematic approach.

Materials and methods. The theoretical basis for the research was the works of domestic and foreign authors on the issues of determining the essence of the phenomenon of integration of economic entities. A systematic approach, general logical (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and special (historical, monographic, modeling) methods of cognition are applied.

Results. The article has developed the theoretical foundations of the integration of business entities, in particular, a retrospective analysis of the development of theoretical views on the essence of integration, taking into account the prerequisites and goals of its emergence, the relationship in the development of integration and the market environment, the adaptation of the provisions of a systematic approach to the study of integration, a critical analysis and generalized modern approaches to the definition of integration within the framework of the chosen concept, the author's position in understanding the phenomenon under study is presented.

Conclusion. The stages and directions of the development of integration interpretations (within the framework of adaptive, selection, situational theories) are highlighted, a three-dimensional interpretation of the concept of integration of business entities in the context of types of economic systems (object, environment, process) is proposed, and the author's definition of the phenomenon under study is formulated.

Author Biographies

N. Yermalinskaya, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor, Associate Professor Department of Computer Science

G. Rudchenko, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Republic of Belarus

Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Heat Power Engineering and Ecology


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How to Cite

Ермалинская, Н., & Рудченко, Г. (2022). Integration of economic entities: chronology of the development of theoretical views and its essence in the context of a systematic approach. Economy and Banks, (1), 42-50. Retrieved from



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