Assessment of the resource potential realization level of enterprises (on the example of meat processing enterprises of the Brest region)


  • Zh.G. Shumak Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


resource potential of the organization, resource saving, resource productivity, algorithm for resource potential assessing


The purpose of the study: the development of scientific and methodological provisions in the framework of assessing the level of resource potential realization of enterprises.

Resources and methods: comparative analysis of theoretical, methodological and scientific-practical achievements of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of assessing the resource potential of enterprises.

Research results: increasing the effectiveness of standard analytical procedures: the classical analysis of industry development dynamics, the efficiency evaluation of production resources use in the context of enterprises based on the traditionally used system of economic indicators. Within the framework of the study, the results and practical models of the effective resource potential use of the meat processing enterprises were obtained, based on the example of the Brest region enterprises. The directions of formation and methodological support of tools for assessing the resource potential assessing of the meat processing industries of the Republic of Belarus are determined.

Author Biography

Zh.G. Shumak, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Senior Lecturer Professor of Economics and Business Department


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How to Cite

Шумак, Ж. (2022). Assessment of the resource potential realization level of enterprises (on the example of meat processing enterprises of the Brest region). Economy and Banks, (1), 51-62. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy