Economic and social features of sustainable development in the construction industry the construction industry
economic and social peculiarities, sustainable development, innovations, constructionAbstract
The article investigates economic and social peculiarities of sustainable development of innovative solutions in the construction industry, allowing to improve the quality of buildings construction and comfort for living, the economic and social advantages of the use of innovative technologies in construction.
The economic and social peculiarities of sustainable development and innovative solutions in the construction industry have been substantiated. Theoretical and methodological aspects of implementing the direction of "green" construction on the territory of the Republic of Belarus are described, the statistics of the construction industry development, the main characteristics of buildings built by the new technology are given, a theoretical description of the concepts of "green" and "smart" construction is given. A special attention is paid to the social advantages of the development of innovative technologies: reduction of water, air and soil pollution; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere; creation of optimal conditions for air quality, acoustic, thermal parameters; reduction of harmful effects on human health; conservation of natural resources through the active use of renewable sources, etc.
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