Indicators of financial stability of the banking system


  • V.E. Krolivetskaya State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology
  • E.O. Maslovskaya Saint Petersburg State University of Economics


financial stability of the bank, financial stability of the banking system, indicators of the financial stability of the banking system


Objective: to search and substantiation of indicators-indicators of a stable (stability) of the banking system, investment of its actual assessment and assessment of measures to increase it.

Materials and methods: scientific articles of the last 10 years devoted to the disclosure of the content of the categories of «financial stability» and «financial stability» were used. The comparative method characterizes the indicators of the financial stability of banks and the bank system as a whole, reveals their differences.

Results: a new version of indicators-indicators of financial stability (stability) of the banking system of Russia is proposed, considering the monetary components.

Conclusion. The purpose of the study has been achieved. In our opinion, the presented version of indicators-indicators of the financial stability of the banking system fully allows us to assess the actual stability of the country's banking system.

Author Biographies

V.E. Krolivetskaya, State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Credit

E.O. Maslovskaya, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Banks, Financial Markets and Insurance


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How to Cite

Кроливецкая, В., & Масловская, Е. (2023). Indicators of financial stability of the banking system. Economy and Banks, (2), 3-10. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit