The role of financial research methodology in the formation of professional competences of financial specialists


  • M.P. Samakhavets Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • N.I. Kravtsova Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation


finance, methodology, financial research, professional competencies


The goal is to determine the role and significance of the methodology of financial research in the context of formation innovative professional competencies of financial specialists.

Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign authors in the field of research methodology. The information base of the study are: Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education - Master's program in the direction of  38.04.08 Finance and Credit (approved by order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on 08.12.2020 No. 991), Educational Standard of Higher Education. OSVO 1-25 80 03-2019. Higher education. Second stage (master's degree). Specialty 1-25 80 03 Finance, taxation and credit (approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus on June 26, 2019 No. 81). The professional standards of the Russian Federation for some professions in the field of finance were also used: financial consulting specialist, securities market specialist, payment systems specialist, microfinance operations specialist. The following methods were used: cognition, analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, abstract-logical method.

Results. Active work is underway to develop (in Belarus) and to improve the requirements of professional standards and bring them closer to educational ones (in Russia). The analysis of educational and professional standards showed that the formation of professional competencies of financial specialists includes the need for them to master the modern methodology of financial research.

 Conclusion. Financial and economic education is an independent branch of the system of higher professional education. The role and importance of mastering modern methods and tools of financial research in the future will increase in the formation of educational competencies of financial specialists. Financial specialist must have an appropriate set of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of obtaining higher professional education. These skills and knowledge will allow to successfully perform generalized and specific labor functions in accordance with professional standards. Considerable importance is attached to the methodological aspects of these skills and knowledge: conducting technical analysis when making transactions with securities, economic and financial analysis of the company, analyzing the financial market and its individual segments, mastering the methods of financial and analytical work, etc.

Author Biographies

M.P. Samakhavets, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sс., Associate Professor of Financial Management Department

N.I. Kravtsova, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation

PhD in Econ. Sс., Associate Professor of Banks, Financial Markets and Insurance Department


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How to Cite

Самоховец, М., & Кравцова, Н. (2023). The role of financial research methodology in the formation of professional competences of financial specialists. Economy and Banks, (2), 11-20. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit