The methodology of systematization and substantiation of significant researches within of the category «competitiveness»
methodology, algorithm, review, database, cluster analysis, competitivenessAbstract
The aim of research is to development of an integrated approach to the analysis of scientific and applied developments within of the category «competitiveness» from the perspective of their relevance.
Materials and methods: The theoretical basis for the research were the works of domestic and foreign authors related to the category of «competitiveness», taking into account the impact rating of economic journals. The system approach, abstract-logical, comparative analysis, monographic and computational-constructive methods were used.
Results. The article presents a methodology of comprehensive analysis of scientific and applied developments within of the category «competitiveness» from the position of their relevance, which involves applying a new approach to the review of literary sources. The essence of the methodology is to identify the key points in a systematic literature search covering most of the peer-reviewed interdisciplinary research papers, as well as to apply a technical approach to extract all kinds of information that can be useful for the analysis of selected documents and hidden relationships of scientific and applied developments from the position of their relevance.
Conclusions. The developed methodology of comprehensive analysis of scientific and applied developments provides a new approach to the review of literary sources, which will allow to most fully identify interrelated trends in peer-reviewed research from the position of their relevance.
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