Assessing human resource at the macro level in the context of enhancing country competitiveness: international comparisons


  • Hu Mingjun Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • I.V. Ustinovich Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


human potential, international comparison, human capital, labor productivity, global competitiveness


The purpose of the study. an integrated approach to the assessment of human resources potential at the macro level (availability of development opportunities and growth of the country's economy through the deployment of human resources) is proposed.

Materials and methods. On the basis of a study of the human development index, the human capital index, the global competitiveness index, and the industrial competitiveness index, this paper proposes a comprehensive approach to the assessment of human resource potential at the macro level in the context of improving the competitiveness of countries, including four parameters (human capital, labor productivity, labor market, macroeconomic stability). These parameters include elements grouped on the basis of affiliation. The level of development of each of these elements is evaluated on the basis of the database of the aforementioned international indices. Thus importance of each of their parameters of an indicator of an estimation of personnel potential on a macrolevel in a context of increase of competitiveness of the countries it is offered to accept equivalent.

Results. The evaluation methodology was tested on the data of a number of countries and the following results were obtained - Japan and the USA are leaders among other countries by labor productivity, but Belarus and Russia are at the same level with them by human capital and labor market indicators. However, corporate training needs to be strengthened, and this requires joint efforts of public administration, business and universities to develop practical and effective training courses.

Conclusion. The developed methodology for assessing human resource potential at the macro level not only ultimately provides an overall comprehensive international comparison, but also provides procedural data that are of greater research value for adjusting the country's human resource development strategy. Their use makes it possible to identify areas in which the country lags behind compared to other countries and, thus, to indicate the potential direction and prospects of this country in the competition, which will ultimately improve the competitiveness of countries.

Author Biographies

Hu Mingjun, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Postgraduate Student

I.V. Ustinovich, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Минцзюнь, Х., & Устинович, И. (2023). Assessing human resource at the macro level in the context of enhancing country competitiveness: international comparisons. Economy and Banks, (2), 68-77. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy