Bank credit market of modern Russia
credit market, bank credit market, corporate loan portfolio, retail bank lending, interbank loans and deposits marketAbstract
Objective: identify the main trends in the development of credit market in Russia over the past 10 years; to identify the factors that influenced these trends; to consider the prospects for the development of the credit market in the medium term.
Materials and methods. When writing the article, statistical indicators of the development of the banking sector of the Russian Federation for the period 01.01.2012-01.01.2022 were used, on the basis of which the material was formed in tabular form on the development of individual segments of the banking credit market, based on the author's interpretation of its institutional structure presented in the article. The methods of dynamic series and comparisons are used in the work.
Results: negative trends in the development of the Russian banking credit market over the past 10 years have been identified and the main measures to overcome them have been characterized, taking into account the current economic situation in the country due to a special military operation in Ukraine and the need for structural transformation of the economy.
Conclusion. The purpose of the study has been achieved. The main directions of further development of the Russian banking credit market for the medium term are presented, some of which were initiated by the author of the article himself for a number of years.
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