Economic and mathematical modeling in the management of the intellectual property objects’ market in the Republic of Belarus


  • V.D. Zaitsava Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


intellectual property, economic modeling, production function, intangible factors, commercialization of intellectual property objects


The purpose of the work is to study the prospects of economic modeling of the intellectual property objects’ market management, based on the use of the knowledge production function, taking into account the intangible factors, affecting the process of commercialization of intellectual property objects.

Materials and methods of the work is a set of methods of scientific knowledge, including analysis, generalization, synthesis, system approach, statistical methods, as well as the method of economic modeling. The study is based on the works of Kaneva M.A., Zhilnikov A.Y., Suvorov N.V., Rustamova I.B., Gurko A.I., Losev S.S.

The results.The article explores the prospects of using the knowledge production function to manage the intellectual property objects’ market, created as a result of scientific and technical activity. It is shown that taking into account the influence of intangible factors, one of which is the motivation of researchers, when building the knowledge production function, it significantly increases the effectiveness of modeling of innovation processes in the context of predicting the prospects of commercialization of intellectual property objects.

The conclusion. The conducted study has shown that the application of economic-mathematical modeling methods allows to more reasonably determine existing trends and predict the path of development of the intellectual property objects’ market. Based on the Cobb-Douglas function, the author has made a proposal to extend the theoretical aspects of economic-mathematical modeling of the process of commercialisation of intellectual property objects, taking into account intangible factors.

It is reasonable to propose that in addition to increasing the level of R&D financing, it is expedient to work with scientific workers, using motivational incentives, depending on the personal features of a scientist, his satisfaction with his self-realization in the process of focused scientific research, and his attitude to commercialization as the result of scientific and technological activities.  The task of developing a methodology for assessing the types of motivation of scientists in order to quantify the coefficients of motivation for economic modelling of the intellectual property objects’ market was substantiated.

Author Biography

V.D. Zaitsava, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Зайцева, В. . (2023). Economic and mathematical modeling in the management of the intellectual property objects’ market in the Republic of Belarus. Economy and Banks, (1), 60-68. Retrieved from



Issues of regional economy