Mplementation of the concept "University 3.0" as a factor in the development of the innovative economy in the Republic of Belarus


  • О.А. Strok State Educational Institution "Republican institute of higher school", Minsk, Republic of Belarus


scientific activity of the university, innovative activity of the university, innovation process, model, university 3.0


The goal is to analyze a set of measures to improve the activities of Belarusian HEIs based on the “University 3.0” model and develop recommendations for further development and improvement of the effectiveness of scientific and innovative activities in higher education institutions

Materials and methods. The theoretical basis for the research was the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of university restructuring, the development of a market component in the higher education system of the higher education system. The information base for the research was the normative and legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, a systematic approach, abstract-logical, comparative analysis, comparison of scientific and legal literature on the research problem were applied.

Results. The article reveals the essential features of the "University 3.0" model and the main directions of transformation of higher education institutions in accordance with it.

Conclusion. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comparison of ongoing measures to transform Belarusian universities in the transition to the "University 3.0" model, as well as an analysis of the Project implementation process and supplementing them with recommendations.

Author Biography

О.А. Strok, State Educational Institution "Republican institute of higher school", Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Строк, О. (2023). Mplementation of the concept "University 3.0" as a factor in the development of the innovative economy in the Republic of Belarus. Economy and Banks, (1), 78-85. Retrieved from



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