Current trends in digital products in the construction industry as a potential for increasing labor productivity
digital products, construction industry, labor productivity, wagesAbstract
The goal is to analyze the trends of digital products development in the construction industry in the context of increasing labor productivity.
Materials and methods. Materials of research are presented by scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors in journals and electronic sources, and by the official statistics. The method of comparative analysis and general scientific methods were used: analytical review of scientific literature, generalization, synthesis and analogy. Data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, materials of the domestic and foreign press, and Internet-resources served as information base of the research.
Results. The author has conducted researches on labor productivity dynamics and labor remuneration, calculated the ratio of their growth rates, offered a conceptual and logistic model of increasing labor productivity and considered the tendencies of digital products development.
Conclusion. It has been demonstrated that according to the systematized data, the dynamics of productivity growth for the period under consideration has no constant tendency. The industry key indicators of ICT use in the industry have been identified and analyzed. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that labor productivity is presented as an essential characteristic of the economic system, conceptual and logistic model of its increase has been proposed.
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