Conceptal aspects of the bank's financial security


  • I.A. Pryhodzich Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


financial security, bank, stability, risk, information


The purpose of the article is to study the category of financial security of a bank in its relationship with the economic security of the country. The article also defines the key aspects of the bank’s financial security, its principles and factors affecting it. ISSN 2078-5410 ЭКОНОМИКА И БАНКИ. 2023. № 2 20 Material and methods. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign authors on the topic of financial security, financial stability, stability of the bank and the practice of risk management in it. Methods were used: synthesis, generalization, comparison. Results. The author investigated the concept of financial security of the bank and identified its key characteristics. The threats of the bank are ordered, endogenous and exogenous factors that affect the bank's operating environment are identified. The author gives his own definition of the bank's financial security as the basis of the country's economic security, defines the principles according to which the bank should carry out its activities and describes the system of integrated diagnostics of banking risks, on the basis of which the bank should manage its risks. Conclusion. Currently, the transformation of banking activity poses new problems and challenges to banks. Financial stability and risk management in banks, according to the author, are actively expanding to the concept of financial security of the bank, to which the article is devoted. The need to develop this definition in accordance with modern realities will naturally entail the development of the theory of financial security of the bank. In addition, the active involvement of various financial organizations and services in banking activities will logically lead to the development of the theory of financial security of the bank into the theory of financial security of the bank's ecosystem, which will correspond to changes in the banking sector.

Author Biography

I.A. Pryhodzich, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Пригодич, И. (2024). Conceptal aspects of the bank’s financial security. Economy and Banks, (2), 19-24. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit