Transformation of approaches tothe definitio of «insurance»


  • E.A. Vakulich Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


insurance, principles of insurance, functions of insurance, signs of insurance


The purpose of the article is to interpret the main approaches to the interpretation of the category of «insurance» and, based on the studied approaches to the interpretation of the concept of insurance, to clarify it, adjust the features, functions and principles of insurance in accordance with it. Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign authors. The following methods were used: scientific abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis, methods of generalization and processing of information, tabular method. Results. The analysis of existing interpretations of the category «insurance» made it possible to clarify the definition of «insurance» and supplement its features, functions and principles. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis carried out in the article, various approaches to defining the category «insurance» were identified, distinctive features were formed in the application of these definitions, which indicates the need for further clarification of the definition of this category.

Author Biography

E.A. Vakulich, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Assistant at the Department of Financial Management


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How to Cite

Вакулич, Е. (2024). Transformation of approaches tothe definitio of «insurance». Economy and Banks, (2), 25-31. Retrieved from



Finance, money circulation and credit