Development of methodological tools for assessing the quality of management of non-financial corporations of the republic of Belarus
logical-structural model, quality of management, non-financial corporations, competencybased approach, questionnaire, total factor productivity, expert assessments, weighted average method, risk assessmentAbstract
The article provides an analysis and systematization ofapproaches to determining the quality of management developed by various scientists. The above author's classification made it possible to identify four main ones: effective, adaptive, complementary and functional. The result of this classification is the identification of specific features ofassessing the quality of management of non-financial corporations in the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the specifics. The authors have developed a methodological toolkit for assessing the quality of management of non-financial corporations in the Republic of Belarus, namely a logical-structural model for surveying non-financial corporations and the structure of the questionnaire taking into account the industry affiliation ofnon-financial corporations. The presented logicalstructural model reflects the specifics of the implementation of research into the qualitative parameters of management of non-financial corporations to assess its impact on the total factor productivity of the economy of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account objectively verifiable indicators, sources, as well as risks and limitations.
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