Practical aspects of assessing the resource potential development of meat processing enterprises
resource potential of the enterprise, added value, synergistic effect, integrated assessmentAbstract
The purpose of the study: the development of scientific and methodological provisions and practical recommendations for assessing the development of the resource potential of enterprises. Resources and methods. The theoretical, methodological and scientific-practical achievements of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of development of the resource potential of enterprises. The initial data for calculation is represented by the reports on the results of financial and economic activities of Brest region meat processing enterprises. In the course of the study, general scientific methods were used: critical, system and factor analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, tabular and graphical methods of data visualization. ISSN 2078-5410 ЭКОНОМИКА И БАНКИ. 2023. № 2 64 Results: the article substantiates the criteria and indicators of the resource potential development of meat processing enterprises; the article confirms the practical significance of determining the synergistic effect in order to develop directions for the release of internal reserves and realization of the enterprise resource potential. Conclusion: within the framework of the study, the results were obtained that make it possible to systematically monitor the achieved level of resource potential, determine control points for the development of the enterprise, predict the onset of crisis situations for making specific management decisions to minimize their consequences; direct business entities to achieve the target parameters of the investment attractiveness in the industry.
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